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Three Reasons to Start the New Year With a Professional Analysis of Your Screenplay


Now that we’ve all recovered from our New Year’s hangovers and have unwrapped all of the presents and eaten our way through the holidays, it’s time to get serious about our writing again. Here are three reasons to consider starting out the year by getting your script analyzed by a professional reader:

First, the start of the New Year is the perfect time to get a fresh perspective.

The New Year is a time of new beginnings and if you have a screenplay that you’re struggling with or even one that you feel strongly about, it’s always valuable to have someone look at it with a fresh perspective. It’s even better if that person understands story structure and character development. Writer’s groups and friends can be valuable resources for opinions and critique, but getting a new kind of perspective from a professional reader can be a new beginning for your script by giving you ideas on how to make it not only a better screenplay, but also one that is also more likely to get a “consider” from a studio reader.

Second, a professional reader knows what he or she is talking about.

Readers who have read for studios know a lot of things when it comes to screenplays. We not only know what goes into making a well-constructed story with deep and engaging characters, but we also know what studio readers are looking for. We’ve been studio readers as well, so we know the simple things that you can do to fix your script that will increase your chances of getting that “consider”. We know how to beat that first gate keeper and we can help you polish your script to the point where a studio reader would have a hard time passing on it.

Third, a professional reader can simply help you make your script better.

That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? You want to write a script that has the best possible story and the best possible characters. You want it to be as funny as it can be or as suspenseful as it can be or as fantastical as it can be. A professional reader knows how to help you get your script to the level of a professional writer, so that even if it never sells or never gets optioned, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you wrote a script that’s of the highest quality you could muster.

Monument Script Services offers the type of analysis that will allow all three of these things to come to pass. We can give your script a fresh perspective and help you see things that maybe you’ve been missing because you’re too close to it. We can make your script harder for studio readers to pass on. We can also help you write a script that you’ll be proud to say that you wrote.

Click the link below to see the services we offer.


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